
聯合國教科文組織的電子書研究計畫這是一個聯合國教科文組織的電子書研究計畫網站,這個計畫是2004年在有印度矽谷之稱的班加洛所舉行,對電子書產業未來議題有興趣的朋友,可以前往一覽。摘要其首頁內容如下:Since the advent of printing technology by Gutenberg in the fifteenth century, the book has been an important 'container' of and a medium for the distribution of information. With the ubiquitous ICTs most content have gone digital and most distribution channels have been network based. Most genres of documents- journals, newspapers, encyclopedias have turned to the electronic medium and they are all increasingly being accessed online. But with the book somehow the movement towards electronic has been sporadic or bumpy. Despite the enthusiastic entry of many start up eBook companies and release of the first exclusive eBook - Stephen King's "Riding on the bullet" coinciding with the declaration of the year 2000 as the year of eBooks, the eBooks landscape has remained nebulousGiven the turbulent setting, this eBook Guidelines Project is an attempt at scoping the field of eBooks and undertake a detailed study of the eBooks scenario- from design to delivery mechanisms, from the perspective of formats, technologies , access and delivery models including Digital Rights Management.UNESCO Interactive Workshop on e-BooksSeptember 16, 2004, BangaloreWorkshop ReportProgramme PresentationParticipantsPhoto Archives .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .

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